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 Viking Njord 10 caps 

SEK:415kr SEK:522kr
 Odin's Staff 10 caps 

SEK:399kr SEK:499kr
Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 products)
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 Odin's Staff10 kapslar-stark erektion 

SEK:399kr SEK:499kr
 Viking Njord 10 kapslar-stark erektion 

SEK:415kr SEK:522kr

FAQ about Potency Agents

Do you get more sex drive from potency drugs?  It is not a direct effect but men often get more aroused if they get a stronger erection, ie an indirect lust-increasing effect

Can an erection occur anytime and anywhere beyond my control?

No, you have to be sexually stimulated for the products to have an effect. If you take a capsule and watch a boring TV show, nothing happens

Can it hurt?
No, the erection that occurs is not painful. Should you still get hurt, the cause is not the potency agent

Can you experience that everything becomes bluer?

Yes indeed, some people can get the nerves that see blue light to be stimulated.  However, it is not dangerous and it disappears after a while

Can you get a headache?

Yes, there is a slight headache but it disappears when the effect of the capsule goes out of the body. Can be counteracted easily with an Alvedon or similar product.

Is it safe to eat potency?

There are very few dangerous side effects reported with potency agents. As a rule, it is then in connection with other drugs that danger can arise and this applies, for example, to certain eye diseases.

When it comes to heart problems, you should of course consult with your doctor, but it is rather the opposite, ie it is positive for the heart to eat potency. Statistically speaking, those who have taken potency-enhancing drugs and suffer a heart attack are less likely to die.

Can you overdose?

When it comes to the erection itself, the answer is no, but if you take too high a dose, side effects such as headaches or muscle tension increase. It is best to follow the recommendations

Does that product give the same effect?

No, they are differently composed and what works for person A may not work for person B.

Does potency always work and for everyone?

As an example: Viagra works on average in four out of five men. The effect of the treatment is, among other things, dependent on the dose you take. This does not mean that the potency agent leads to a sufficient and satisfactory erection immediately, already the first time.

Try at least 8 times before giving up. For the first time, stress and performance anxiety can certainly play a role in both the user and his partner

What is the best potency agent?

This is a question we often get and there is no clear answer. What is good for person B may be worse for person A. People are different and all products are different.


Pleasuredome has different sortiments of potency agents and you can find here:  Erection Aids (klick here)

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